Title: Popular Sonic Manufacturing Plant
Date: Mar 24
Medium: EP on Spotify (site-specific)
Dims: N/A
Elevator Pitch: Under the pseudonym ‘Vergessen’ I released an EP ‘Popular Sonic Manufacturing Plant’. It’s a conceptronica release - exploring the idea that if ‘popular music’ as able to be ‘cast’ and manufactured, what would the mould look like (and the outside processes around it) sonically? It’s a tongue in cheek imagining of pop music being made physically in a traditional setting of mass manufacture and consumerism (“all songs sound the same these days blah blah”). It’s a mixture of ambient, hyperpop, avant garde and a lot of electronic microgenres so please check it out!! Also, on Spotify, I use the ‘canvas’ feature to add visuals of factories and manufacturing process that I imagine would accompany the processes - all made (semi) abstract in order to prioritise the worldbuilding through the sound. 🔊
Thumbnail & Link: Spotify
Popular Sonic Manufacturing Plant